Our Approach

  1. We believe in a holistic approach to workforce development. We know that training is not enough, but that in preparing people for the workforce, we need to also provide resources to address relationships, money, health, and emotional well-being.
  2. We believe in a direct link between workforce development and community impact. We dispel common misperceptions that young people are “takers” in society. We know and see that young people care about their community and want to give back and invest in their community. Community give back is woven throughout all of our training as a way to improve the quality of life in our neighborhoods and to also build individual skill sets. Companies have often shared that the graduates they hire from YouthBuild are the most community oriented of all of their employees.
  3. We believe in creating job opportunities. SEAT Center offers a growing branch of social enterprise services that create jobs for our students. With these transitional job opportunities, SEAT Center can provide ongoing mentoring and coaching to students who need more services before transition to unsubsidized employment.
  4. We know our young people are key to economic development. At SEAT, we also know that the business community needs our young people to maintain and grow their companies. Countless companies have told us that the training we provide young people makes them more qualified than other entry-level employees who apply for the same positions

Our Process


At SEAT, we know that the young people we work with are often hard to find as they are no longer connected to school or college.   We use a variety of methods to conduct community outreach and let young people know that there is opportunity for them.

Seat Center Enrollment Capital Region, NY


Each applicant goes through a rigorous orientation to gain acceptance into a SEAT program.   Whether it is the Be the Change Challenge or our Mental Toughness, students are asked to evaluate if this is the right fit.   Acceptance is based on attendance, willingness to take positive risks, participation, and full commitment to the process.


High school equivalency preparation is combined with career pathways exploration, and workforce development in one seamless program curriculum.  The innovative design developed by Mockingbird Education, blends the “what” (HSE prep, career pathways, and workforce development) with the “how” (evidence-based instructional strategies for struggling learners). Lessons are delivered in a highly engaging manner that educates, motivates, and inspires learners.

Seat Center Enrollment Capital Region, NY
Seat Center Training Capital Region, NY


In partnership with local employers, SEAT offers technical, entry level credentials in the fields of construction, culinary, tech sector careers, and emergency medical technician.


Our philosophy is to do whatever it takes to ensure success.  We understand that in order to be successful in work, we need to be able to manage relationships, money, health, and emotions.  SEAT provides wrap around services to ensure that a young person has every chance to find success.  Support services are comprised of:  1.) Case Management Services; 2.) Wellness Counseling Services; 3.) Psychoeducational Groups; 4.) Drug Education and Treatment; and 5.) Life Skills.

Seat Center Support Capital Region, NY
Seat Center Placement and Coaching Capital Region, NY

Placement and Coaching

SEAT prepares students with the four A’s—attitude, attendance, aptitude and attire—in order to be competitive in today’s workforce. The 4 A’s are reflected in our program design through all program components.  SEAT believes post-program placement begins on day one of a student’s program. By providing transition services throughout and after core programming, students are prepared to move on to careers, post-secondary institutions and apprenticeships. Once a student completes the core program, SEAT Center conducts post-graduate job placement and follow-up assistance. Through partnerships with unions, employers, educational institutions and civic organizations, students realize employment opportunities that are available upon completion of the program.

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