The work culture demands proactive thinking, a love of learning new things, being willing to take professional calculated risks, and being willing to put in the work to get the job done.


The vibe is comfortable, professional and highly productive. We are challenged by our supervisors, and in turn, we challenge ourselves. We push ourselves to our limits and make sure we are always reaching for a new challenge. Although our individual roles are job specific, we all wear many hats. We believe in cross-functionalism, and the organic family-like atmosphere that it creates. We laugh, we play, we celebrate, we live, and we love, all while doing whatever it takes to get the job done.

Meet The Team!

Jennifer Lawrence (she/her/hers)Founder/CEO
Jennifer Lawrence is the Founder/CEO of the SEAT Center. Her work includes the creation and oversight of YouthBuild Schenectady and the ongoing expansion of our social enterprise services. Jennifer holds a Masters of Social Work Administration from Fordham University and attended the SUNY Albany Executive MBA Program. Jennifer’s current focus is on building sustainability and infrastructure, with special attention to programming that provides a participatory learning environment, models high expectations, incorporates youth voice, and creates future hope. Jennifer is a strong advocate of youth employment as a means to decrease crime, increase hope, and make sustainable change. Jennifer is a graduate of the American Express Leadership Institute/ Center for Creative Leadership and was a 2009-2011 YouthBuild USA Director’s Fellow. In her spare time, Jennifer enjoys spending quality time with her son Anthony and obsessing about all things SEAT!
Rebecca Paavola (she/her/hers)Program Administrator
Rebecca Paavola is the Program Administrator at SEAT Center/YouthBuild Schenectady. Rebecca has been with YouthBuild Schenectady since November 2012. Prior to this, she was the Assistant Principal and Special Education Coordinator for LAYC YouthBuild Charter School. Rebecca has over 18 years of experience as an educator and school administrator at a range of elementary and secondary schools including YouthBuild Community School in Ohio. She has a bachelor’s degree in Special Education and Elementary Education from Northern Arizona University, and continued on to graduate studies in Literacy and Reading at Ohio State University. Rebecca is trained in Quantum Learning, Mockingbird Education, and Contextualized Learning, and is a Bridges Out of Poverty Train-the-Trainer.
Sharon Phillips (she/her/hers)Corporate Services Administrator
Sharon earned a bachelor’s degree in Journalism/Communications from SUNY Oswego. Over the course of her career, she held oversight of Marketing, Public Relations, Business Development and Organizational Development/HR departments at CAP COM Federal Credit Union. Her passion for community engagement was realized in co-founding CAP COM Cares Foundation. As an entrepreneur, she is a consultant in marketing, organizational/culture development and strategy. She serves on the Board of the American Cancer Society and Better U Committee for the American Heart Association. In her role as Corporate Services Administrator for SEAT Center, Sharon is focused on the employee experience which aligns culture and strategy to drive the SEAT mission.
Brian McKenna, PhD (he/him/his)Sr. Director, Business Services
Brian McKenna joined SEAT Center in September 2023 to focus our efforts on establishing, nurturing, enriching, and expanding business relationships throughout the Capital Region. Before joining SEAT Center, Brian applied his expertise in education, business development and leadership coaching as a broker/manager for BHHS Blake Realtors for 18 years. Holding a master’s degree in education from The College of Saint Rose, and a master’s in educational administration and a doctorate in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies from the University at Albany, one of Brian’s greatest pleasures is seeing young people he has taught and coached actively working in service to their communities. A Schenectady native living in Clifton Park, Brian works with SEAT Center because he believes he’s “on this Earth to connect people with opportunities, new ideas and other cool people.” When he’s not creating good karma for SEAT Center, his favorite thing to do is “learn stuff.”
Samuel Roberge (he/him/his)Sr. Director of Finance
Lakeia Bowman (she/her/hers)Director, Workforce Wellness
Lakeia earned a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Delaware State University. She also holds a Master’s Degree in Community Mental Health Counseling from the College of Saint Rose. Lakeia has spent the majority of her career focusing on Career Services and Workforce Development Initiatives. Lakeia is passionate about supporting people in their restorative journey as they move towards happier, healthier and empowered paths forward. She also has experience working with individuals with histories of trauma who are experiencing depression, anxiety, and other serious challenges in functioning or in their relationships.

Her goal is to help our students realize their strengths, make personal changes and to heal by increasing self- awareness and confidence in a safe and supportive space, which will allow them to address their past, own their stories and achieve their goals.

Kurticiah Thompson (she/her/hers)Director of Community Engagement

Kurticiah Thompson began her work with SEAT Center in 2022 as a VISTA (Volunteer in Service to America) coordinating our AmeriCorps programs. When her VISTA year ended, she joined the staff, first as community service coordinator and moved into her current position in June 2023. Kurticiah holds a BA in Communication: Film and New Media from The College of Saint Rose and she employs extensive experience and talent to assist with project management, work with the recruitment team, help manage social media, and coordinate volunteer events for our YouthBuild/AmeriCorps students. Kurticiah says she does this work because she has “seen how much effort, organization, advocacy, patience time and tears it takes to get one student to complete the program.” She says knowing that our students have paths specifically designed for their success in multiple areas of their lives “will always be worth it.” A native of Albany now living in Schenectady, Kurticiah loves to travel and enjoy roller skating.

As we let our own light shine, We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we’re liberated from our own fear, Our presence automatically liberates others. – Marianne Williamson

Prince Sprauve (he/him/his)Director of Build Up Film/Digital Media
Prince Sprauve, Founder and CEO of Quiet On Set is an independent film writer, producer and director whose films highlight the issues impacting communities across America. Prince’s passion for storytelling and visual expression, comes from a place of relativity that not only allows him to tell the story because he heard it but he tells the story because he lived it. As Director of Build Up Film/Digital Media program for SEAT Center, he is training students in an exciting hands-on experience every aspect of creating videos for advertising, presentations, digital media and films. His passion for SEAT Center’s mission combined with the opportunity to provide industry expertise is appreciated as students have been looking for entries into careers focused on the arts.
Kristen Kucij (she/her/hers)Associate Director of Youthbuild
Kristen earned her associates degree from SUNY Schenectady and immediately began working as a Program Director with the Boys & Girls Clubs of Schenectady. Her areas of responsibility included oversight of the MacGathan Clubhouse and the Steinmetz Clubhouse. Kristen’s work with OCFS and Brightside and trainings that align with NYS regulations earning Accreditation through the state. In addition, she managed the Child and Adult Food Care Program for three clubhouses, providing healthy meals for over 100 children daily. Kristen is a long-time resident of Schenectady with her husband and son and loves the region.
David Quillinan (he/him/his)Executive Chef/Culinary Trainer
Chef Dave Quillinan brought his 30+ years of experience to SEAT Center’s new culinary program in June 2023. Chef Dave now spends his days imparting the wisdom of those
years in the industry to our culinary students and teaching them the back-of-the-house skills they’ll need to be successful and productive in any restaurant kitchen in the hospitality industry. Chef Dave has a lot of skill and wisdom to share, as he’s placed “top 3” in every soup and food competition he’s been in, which is a lot! He chooses to teach at SEAT Center because he wants others to learn from his mistakes and his successes. Dave says, “If a program like this had been available to me when I was 18 I might have avoided a lot of missteps. Helping these young people avoid some of those makes my days.” When not working for SEAT Center, Chef Dave enjoys time with his family and playing his guitar. He’s a blues and rock’n’roll man who dreams of owning a Stratocaster.


I’m trying to think, but nothing happens. – Curly Howard

Joseph Mancini (he/him/his)Sr. Program Advisor
A lifelong Schenectady resident, Joe Mancini leads SEAT programs to redirect and empower justice-involved young adults and ensures the smooth operation and security of our facilities. In Joe’s 25+ years of work with youth and the justice system, his roles have included serving as deputy commissioner of Youth and Family Services and director of probation for Schenectady County. While serving 5 years as Associate Commissioner of the Office of Community Partnerships at the NYS Office of Children and Family Services, Joe assisted in the passage and implementation of the change in the NYS age of criminal responsibility from 16 to 18 and developed and implemented the state’s aftercare/reentry model. He has been named NYS Families Together Youth Advocate of the Year and has received the Schenectady County Human Rights’ Achievement Award, the Psychological Association of NENY’s Distinguished Community Service Award, and the Capital Region Youth Justice Recognition Award. He holds a master’s in social work from Fordham University and a BS-Criminal Justice from the University at Buffalo. Joe brought his expertise to SEAT because he believes “’the mission of ‘transforming communities one workforce at a time’ is right for young people and great for our cities and communities.” When not transforming lives at SEAT Joe enjoys attending community events and shows and patronizing area restaurants.” That’s a pastime that fits well with his service as an elected member of Schenectady City Council.


“If you treat an individual as he is, he will remain as he is. But if you treat him as if he were what he ought to be and could be, he will become what he ought to be and could be.” -Goethe

Shevis BrownProgram Manager
Raven BryantFront Desk Specialist
Wherever life plants you, bloom with grace – Lisina Coney
Matt RectorEducation Coordinator/Instructor
“Out beyond ideas of right-doing and wrong-doing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there.” -Rumi
Athena FitchOperations Liaison
Sharmayne VanDykeCrisis Intervention Coordinator
Jamie DoriguzziStudent Support Specialist
Raina MontroySenior Accountant
“No one is you, and that is your power.”- Dave Grohl
Brian DeanConstruction Trainer II
“Keep moving forward. Head up and shoulders back. Be a real model, not a role model.”
Jallah KucijConstruction Trainer
Surendra SinghConstruction Trainer
“Everyday that I come to work, it feels like heaven.”
Yireh PinoCrisis Intervention Specialist
“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson
Patrick CorriganDirector YouthBuild/Culinary
“We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change we seek.” – Barack Obama
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