Training young people to begin a career in the culinary industry.
The Brain Up Culinary program teaches young people basic front- and back-of-house skills to introduce them to careers in the culinary and hospitality industries. Students earn their Restaurant Ready certification from the National Restaurant Association Education Foundation as well as their ServSafe Food Handlers and Allergens certificates. Participants gain skills in customer service, restaurant communication, cooking methods, and more through SEAT instructors in order to prepare them for the industry. Qualified participants then go on to internships with local restaurants who provide students first-hand experiences in a variety of duties in a restaurant. Graduates from this program can go on to employment in the industry, community college culinary programs, or culinary apprenticeships.

Industry Recognized Restaurant Ready Certification through National Restaurant Association Education Foundation (NRAEF).
This certification covers the following topics:
Additional Certifications: ServSafe Food Handlers and Allergens
Students are placed in internships with local restaurants. Internships are up to 180 hours, approximately 20 hours/week for 6 weeks. SEAT staff closely monitors student progress and receives feedback from internship supervisors regarding student aptitudes needed to earn their Restaurant Ready certificate.
Current Schenectady industry related employer partners include:
Placement & Retention
Program graduates are placed with SEAT partner restaurants or other restaurants in the area.
SEAT is working closely with the NRAEF and NYSRA to build a pipeline of candidates to apprenticeship opportunities (currently approved by NYSDOL in restaurant management and line cook) which includes classroom instruction with SUNY Schenectady culinary program.